Boiling Spring Lakes
Last Stronghold for Venus Flytraps
Recent News
Poachers were recently caught with 800+ plants stuffed into a pillowcase. Officers retrieved the plants and sent them for safekeeping in a greenhouse until arrangements could be made to re-plant them. In March of 2015, a carload of Friends of Plant Conservation traveled from Greensboro to the coast to assist with the re-planting.
Venus Flytraps, Lysimachia asperifolia, and Sarracenia flava.
Bachman's sparrow
Bachman's sparrow photo courtesy of Daniel Berganza.
Plants are not the only species in trouble. Sightings of Bachman's sparrow, a bird that is now uncommon and possibly declining in the South, have been made at Boiling Spring Lakes.
The little bird may look rather plain, but his song makes up for what he may lack in appearance. The USFWS has excellent information about the bird and its needs (click on the green button to the left). |