Work & Learn Days, walk, listen, learn...
The Friends of Plant Conservation with the cooperation and assistance of the NC Plant Conservation Program, schedule Work & Learn opportunities at PCP Preserves across the state. When our work is completed, we will have an opportunity to learn more about the site and visit some of the sensitive areas.
Due to the fragile nature of these sites, space will be limited to 15 participants (unless otherwise noted) and registration is required. There are no trails, no facilities, and no water. Often, these are remote sites, so you are asked to bring plenty of water, lunch, and snacks with you. Plant and seed collecting is strictly forbidden on Plant Conservation Preserves. We ask that you leave your pets at home. |
2021 Work & Learn Schedule
There are no further Work & Learn opportunities scheduled for this year.
Meeting times will generally be at 10:00 a.m. and go to about 2:00 p.m. --
a specific time will be sent on registration, along with other details for each trip
REGISTER EARLY AS SPACE IS LIMITED. Directions and other details will be emailed about a week before the event.
Please also include a phone number so we can reach you the day of if needed.
Tools will be provided but we encourage bringing your own work gloves and a favorite tool if you have one.
PLEASE NOTE: Dates may need to be adjusted depending on weather and bloom times. We will advise you as best we can.
TO REGISTER: Send an email to Volunteer Coordinator at [email protected]
or use the button below.